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Case#1 by sharing happiness

Case study of Sharing of happiness No.1.

I got an offer from a woman who’s on 60’s to purify her husband who’s also on 60s. They were looking forward to enjoying their retirement life together after her husband’s working life. However, her husband got a dementia. Some of his symptoms are … ・forgetting everything right away (whatever he did or said something a few minutes ago including other’s) ・getting angry very easily ・very loud voice when he gets mad ・having hard time to sleep in the mid night ・having hard time to communicate with people Whatever it happens on you, you are the one who causes the situation and have responsibility on that. Since he got dementia, I was not able to figure out his intention anymore. But, because her intention was to purify his unseen world by the Nature power, I started to purify his unseen world everyday by the nature power. However, on this case since she worries about her husband, it affects her husband’s unseen world. (It means that even though purifying his unseen world 100% by the Nature Power, her worries affects to destroy her husband unseen world right away). I told her about the situation, and got an offer to purify both their unseen world. She was not healthy either at that time. She also had some of symptoms about her body. Some of her symptoms are … ・hurting her lower back ・some of pain on her legs and her eyes

I suggested her “sharing of happiness” with her. Since two people asked me to purify their unseen world by the nature power, I get 20,000 yen per month (one person gives me 10,000 yen per a month). But, because she introduced me about her husband, I gave her 5,000yen (which is a half of 10,000 yen) as my thankfulness and sharing of happiness. If she introduces me one of her friends and her friend asks me to purify the one’s unseen world by the Nature power, her friend gives me 10,000 yen per a month. So, I give 5,000 yen to her, which is half of 10,000 yen, as my thankfulness and sharing of my happiness. As like this, if people share of happiness more and more, it means that happier people would get increasing for all of the world. By this Nature power, it causes to be healthier, have more money and have more free time.

After purifying the couple’s unseen world, her husband’s doesn’t have the symptom any more, like he used to. Neither of her.

I appreciate the Nature to have this result from my bottom of my heart.


ご夫婦とも60代の奥様から浄化依頼を頂きました。 ご主人さんの退職を待って、お二人で老後を楽しもうと楽しみにしていた矢先 ご主人さんが「認知症」で、症状としては、何でも直ぐ忘れる(今した事や言った事や人の事も・・・)、急に怒る、怒りだすと大声になる、夜中に起き出す、会話が成り立たない等です。 自分に起こることは、全て自分が起こしています。ご主人さんに意志が無いので、ご主人さんは99%の見えない世界を解決して、毎日この自然力で浄化をする事となりました。 この場合、ご主人さんだけの浄化だけでは、中々結果が出ません。 何故なら、奥様が心配をすると、ご主人さん共々崩れてしまうからです。(浄化が100%入らないという事です。) その旨をお伝えして、ご夫婦お二人の浄化の依頼を頂きました。 奥さんも健康ではありませんでした。 腰が痛い、足が痛い、目の奥が痛い etc etc ここで、「幸せの分かち合い」をさせて頂きました。 本来、お二人の浄化依頼なので1ヶ月2万円になりますが、ご主人さんの浄化は奥様からの紹介という形を取らせて頂き、ご主人さんの1ヶ月1万円のお礼の半分の5000円を奥様の方へ私からのお礼という事でさせて頂きました。 もし、奥様がお友達等をご紹介頂いた場合、その方から浄化の依頼を頂きますと、その方から頂くお礼の半分の5000円をお礼としてさせて頂きます。 この様に「幸せの分かち合い」が広がれば、それだけ幸せな人が増えてるという事になります。 この自然力で、健康で、経済も増えて、同時に自由な時間もうまれてきます。 浄化を始めて、ご主人さんの症状が無くなりました。奥様の症状も・・・


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