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  • naturepower2006

To be happy, monologue / 幸せになる ひとり言

Updated: Mar 6, 2023

People come into the world to be happy.

There is no such a world like unhappy in human life.

If you feel like you are not happy, that means your happiness hasn't come yet, so if you decide that you are happy at this moment, you never be unhappy.

If seven-hundred-million people in the world decide that they are happy, they instantly become happy.

Just like this, if you decide that you are happy and enjoy your life, you will be happy every day, and everything happens to you will be something good.

100% of things around you happen by your own good, and they never be caused by others.

So, believe your self, decide your life to be happy, and enjoy.

If you are not happy yet, there is another way.

I will continue to update how to be happy on my blog.

Monologue of Happiness

By Shoji Minami









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