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Monologue of Happiness
By Mr. Shoji Minami
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Selling the soul / 魂を売る
Love and appreciation / 愛と感謝
Life of lie / 嘘の人生
Poison is controlled by the poison / 毒は毒で制す
There is no "nothing" / 無いものが無い
Have decided / 決めてる
Make others feel like they owe you / 恩を着せる
Destroying yourself / 自らを滅ぼす
Believe in yourself / 自分を信じる
Plague is a test by God / 疫病は神様の試し
People who are needed by the world ・ People who aren't needed by the world / 世に要る人・世に要らない人
Spirit / 霊
God's world / 神の世界
Universe and Humans / 宇宙と人間
Past and future / 過去と未来
Do you have parents / 親はいますか
Carry your soul then die / 魂を宿して死ぬ
Heart / 心
Honest / 素直
Everything happens to you it's because of you / 全て自分が起こしてる
Your own fault and others fault / 自分のせいと人のせい
99% and 1% / 99%と1%
World's best medicine / 世界一のお薬
You don't have yourself / 自分が無い
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